Kaizon Fire Protection’s specialty is fire protection and fire safety, which involves fire alarm systems. It can be a daunting task to select the right fire alarm system for you and/or your business. It is important you get the right fire alarm system for your business because it can literally mean the difference of life and death or a lot of costly damage. Here at Kaizon Fire Protection, we pride ourselves on helping clients throughout the entire process. Beginning with system selection, we listen to your needs and requirements and recommend the appropriate Fire Alarm solution. We offer sound advice and guidance and are known in the market to be reliable.
A fire protection strategy should include systems and practices which stop a fire from breaking out (such as fire sprinklers and getting on-going proactive maintenance tests done). However, should an accident occur and a fire starts, you will need a reliable fire alarm system which has an early automatic detection and one that you know will help get everyone out safely and swiftly. Every second saved with an automatic fire alarm warning/activation can make a difference.
Here at Kaizon Fire Protection, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of industry standards and regulations. We make sure we educate ourselves regularly on emerging codes and standards, and new products and best practices that evolve with time and as we learn more as an industry. Our current fire alarm systems are designed to the New Zealand Commercial and Residential Standard NZS4512.
There are many types of fire alarms and our systems range from basic property protection to full life protection systems. There are also options to have any system remotely monitored (if not already engineered to be brigade calling). We can design, supply, install and commission systems and can service and maintain your existing system. Get in touch with us to discuss what your goals and requirements are so we can give you the best possible advice.
Level 1, Building 5, Central Park
660 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland
PO Box 112-251, Penrose 1061
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