This document outlines how we will keep information submitted via our website private. The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 governs how organisations and businesses can collect, store, use and share your information.
It ensures that:
you know when your information is being collected.
your information is used and shared appropriately.
your information is kept safe and secure.
you can get access to your information.
We collect personal information from you, including information about your:
Contact information.
Company and/or person that you’re trying to reach.
Message body to leave a particular query.
This is submitted and your information is used as a means to directly respond to that submission, or to do with something that directly relates to our business.
We collect this information via:
The ‘Contact Us’ page on our website.
This is emailed directly to a secure email (fire@kaizon.co.nz).
Information is held:
At Kaizon, we hold personal information in both electronic and hard copy formats, and we take various measures to ensure its protection.
These measures include:
Providing our staff with training and education to ensure they are aware of their privacy obligations when handling personal information.
Implementing administrative and technical controls to limit access to personal information to authorized individuals only.
Incorporating technological security measures like firewalls, encryption, and anti-virus software.
Employing physical security measures such as staff passes for access to Kaizon's premises.
Any personal information held by Kaizon will not be kept for longer than is required for the purpose for which the information may lawfully be used.
Distribution of Information and Third Parties:
We do not use your personal information as a means to distribute marketing or other electronic communications. Nor do we supply this information to third parties within New Zealand or in overseas markets.
Cookies is used on our site for the collection of analytical data only, as a means to review pages visited on the site, length of time on site page, location and click throughs where applicable to other site pages as marked. We do not allow third party cookies on our site.
Access to your Information:
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at fire@kaizon.co.nz or call 0800 347 349.